To stop calls from 8773170948, you will have to call on 1- 877 865 7686 or fill out the contact form on their website.
If you keep getting calls from 8773170948, you must be thinking about who is calling? What they want? Why there’s no human on the other side? or how can you stop the call?
The number 877-317-0948 belonged to the Convergent Outsourcing Inc, which is now migrated to TSI, a leading technology enabled BPO partner which also acts as a debt collection agency.
As of February 2024, Convergent Outsourcing is a BBB accredited, and has 1.37 rating out of 5 on BBB. However, on WalletHub, the company has around 45 reviews, 64% of them gave 1 star rating.
One of the customer named Vickie on WalletHub says “Convergent is attempting to collect on a claim that they know has no validity. No help whatsoever to remove this inaccurate collection. They work solely for the companies they collect for, don’t care about destroying consumers credit with false collections.”
While doing our research we also found that the website of Convergent Outsourcing Inc has been redirected to TSI.
So, we dig deeper to find out about TSI – not a BBB Accredited with a 1.11 ratings out of 5. The company has closed 798 complaints in last 3 years and 340 of those complaints were closed in last 12 months.
Let’s find out how to stop their calls.
Avoid Dialing Any Number on Your Phone if It’s a RoboCall
Fraudsters often use automated messages to extract information from individuals and therefore, avoid to follow any instructions to press buttons provided on these robocalls. The government has even implemented restrictions to curb the prevalence of robocalls and text messages.
Unless you are convinced that you are receiving the call from a reputable company, it’s safe to disconnect the call and reach out to the company via an alternate method.
Since, Convergent outsourcing website is being redirected to TSI, it is better to call their consumer hotline number 8665459191 between 8a.m to 5p.m EST from Monday to Friday or submit a written application on TSI’s website contact page.
Send a Debt Validation Letter To Validate and Verify The Debt
According to law, every debt collector must send a validation notice about the debt within five days of their initial contact with you. When you receive of this letter, reply TSI with a Debt Validation Letter. Also, remember to pay for a return receipt to ensure that the company acknowledges receipt of your letter.
The process of validating the debt force a debt collection agency to prove that the debt belongs to you, with correct documentation. The letter also requires TSI to report the debt as disputed which will automatically force them to stop the calls and allows you to take charge of the situation.
You might even discover that the debt has exceeded your state’s statute of limitations, freeing you from the obligation to pay.
Debt collection agencies acquire old debts from creditors at less than 10% of the original value and while purchasing debts, collection agencies often misplace the necessary documents required to validate a debt.
Therefore, there’s a high possibility that Convergent or TSI (whoever is using this number) may stop collection efforts upon receiving a validation request.
Report For Harassment and Abuse
Remember, you as well as the debt collection has to abide by law and have certain rights. The law provided permission to the debt collectors to call up to fifteen times a day before November 30, 2021, but now it’s illegal for them to call you multiple times a day and harass you. Now, they can’t
- Lie to you on call.
- Send postcards,
- Call you at late night
If the collection agency violates any FDCPA regulations, you have the right to file a complaint against them with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Send a Cease and Desist Letter
You can also send a Cease and Desist Letter to Convergent Outsourcing Inc/TSI and request the company to stop all communication with you regarding the debt.
If the debt collection company is calling at inappropriate hours, or contact you at workplace, or calls your friends, or family about your debt, this letter will force them to stop.
However, you should be aware of the consequences, because when you stop them from calling you them may choose to go with legal action to recover the debt.
So, when you send a cease and desist letter, contact a local attorney and ask them to answer the collection agency from your side. A prompt response can give to chance to win against them.
Register Your Number With National Do Not Call List
You can also register your phone number on the do not call list to stop the unknown callers from calling you. The process is simple and free but, you should know a few things.
Having your number listed on the do not call list may not always stop the debt collectors from calling if they have a valid debt.
But, it does offer protection against robocalls, unwanted marketing calls and calls from scammers.
Can You Beat Them?
Yes, you can beat them with the right strategies. So, report for harassment and abuse of your rights to the Federal Trade Commission 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357) or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at 1-855-411-CFPB.
To stop calls from 877-317-0948, identified as Convergent Outsourcing Inc (now TSI), take action by calling 1-877-865-7686 or visiting their website.
Despite BBB accreditation, Convergent’s low ratings and negative reviews suggest consumer dissatisfaction. TSI, their successor, is also criticized with a 1.11 BBB rating.
To stop their calls, avoid responding to robocalls and contact TSI through their consumer hotline or website. You can also send a Debt Validation Letter to challenge the debt’s validity and report harassment to authorities.