To stop calls from 8773660169, you can request debt collector to stop calling you, send a cease-and-desist letter, place your number at National Do Not Call Registry or file a complaint at FTC’s website.
The number 877-366-0169 belongs to a debt collection agency ‘Midland Credit management’. It’s a legitimate agency that calls you when you have an outstanding balance with them.
Midland Credit Management (MCM) is a debt collection agency in the United States, established in 1953 which specializes in the recovery of written-off debts from individuals.
Midland credit management is owned by Encore Capital Group, a company that trades publicly and focuses on purchasing and collecting debts.
MCM has affiliations with well-known creditors like Bank of America, Capital One, and Discover. Typically, when MCM reaches out to consumers, it seeks to negotiate a mutually agreeable payment plan.
Here’s how you can stop calls from 8773660169.
Use Your Fair Debt Collection Practices Right
You can ask a debt collector to stop contacting you and The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) provides you this right.
You can request for this via a verbal or written response. Once your request has been made, the debt collector is obligated to stop phone calls for debt collection purposes, although they retain the right to correspond with you in writing.
Send a Cease-and-Desist Letter
If you want to stop all forms of communication, draft a cease-and-desist letter to the debt collector and request them to discontinue all forms of contact with you including phone calls, written correspondence, and emails.
Register Your Number at National Do Not Call Registry
To register your number on the National Do Not Call Registry, you can either go to the website or dial 1-888-382-1222.
When you register your number with the National Do Not Call Registry, you’re essentially taking steps to limit the number of unsolicited calls you receive.
Legitimate telemarketing companies are required to stop calling on numbers listed on this registry. It doesn’t guarantee complete cessation of all unwanted calls, but it should significantly reduce them.
Once your number is registered, telemarketers have up to 3 days to stop calling you. Most legitimate companies will respect this and stop calling your number after you’ve been registered for 31 days.
Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
If you continue to receive unwanted calls after registering, you can report these to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which oversees the registry. The FTC can take action against companies that violate the rules of the registry.
Here’s how you can file a complaint,
- Open FTC’s website or call 1-877-382-4357.
- Go to Federal Communications Commission website or call them at Consumer Complaint Hotline – 888-225-5322.
Customers Experience With Midland Credit Management
The number of customers expressing discontent with Midland Credit Management is on the rise. Complaints commonly revolve around alleged harassment via persistent phone calls, unsubstantiated claims of outstanding debts, and a lack of necessary documentation. In some instances, the collection attempts have reportedly exceeded the statute of limitations.
According to information from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), a total of 749 complaints have been resolved over the past three years, with 505 of those complaints resolved in last one year.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) records indicate that 2,190 customers have experienced bad customer service and unprofessional conduct from the collectors.
Here’s a consumer Complaint narrative we found on CFPB:
Midland Credit Management keeps calling and harassing me about a 6 year old debt that was already disputed and removed from all credit bureaus as unverifiable. My phone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry and I also told them multiple times to stop calling and send all correspondence to the mailing address they have on file. They continue to call me daily.
What Options You Have If You Owe The Debt?
If you owe the debt and you are in a position to pay that in full, you can negotiate for a settlement or go for a payment plan.
Most of the time, when you approach for a settlement they become ready to accept a lower amount, offer you a longer payment plan or lower interest rate.
Here’s a video to learn more about debt settlement.
What Should You Do If you Don’t Owe The Debt?
If you don’t owe the debt, send a Debt Validation Letter to Midland Credit Management (MCM. This will force them to provide evidence of the debt, which might include a statement from the initial creditor or an original agreement copy.
Here are the information they will provide you:
- Details of the primary creditor
- Outstanding balance
- Date of the most recent payment
If you want to stop receiving automated calls from Midland Credit Management, it’s possible to withdraw your consent by calling 877-366-0169. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) also empowers you to seek up to $1,500 for each violation.
If you want to stop calls from 877-366-0169, which is associated with Midland Credit Management, you have options to use your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to request the debt collector to stop calling, or send a cease-and-desist letter or register your number on the National Do Not Call Registry.
If you owe the debt, negotiating a settlement or payment plan is an option. However, if you don’t owe the debt, seek validation through a Debt Validation Letter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is MCM a debt collector?
Midland Credit Management (MCM) is a debt collection agency based in San Diego, CA.
Why does MCM keep calling me?
MCM keep calling you because they think that debtors are more likely to pay their debts after multiple attempts to contact them.