As you increase your interest in building wealth and investing, you might be looking to take your knowledge to the next level. And as you consistently work on your investing strategy and expand your interests, there will be more to understand and manage.
While I’ve never been into actively day trading stocks, I understand that individual stocks can make sense in certain portfolios.
Meaning, it’s fine to have some exposure to individual stocks, but they should only be a fraction of your overall portfolio to minimize risk.
What percent of individual stocks you have in your portfolio is a personal choice based on your goals and current finances. I like to look at it as being between 1-5% max of my portfolio.
Most people do not have the time or knowledge to research every potential investment or find great individual stocks that are out there. One option you have is to sign-up for The Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor program.
You can find a full Motley Fool Review below.